Monday, February 11, 2019

Particle Board And Rain Don't Mix

One of the challenges of owning a business is making sure you have all the materials you need for a job, no matter how big or small. It doesn't matter how large the business is. However, the smaller the company, the more likely the owner is going to be the one making sure everything is in place the way it should be. This means that sometimes, a run to the store is in order.

We've had quite a bit of rain and snow over the last couple of weeks here in Ohio and whenever you're dealing with wood precipitation is not your friend...especially rain.

On one of these rainy days, we had to swing by a store to pick up some rocks to go in front of our shop. The non-stop rain had made everything a mud hole and it was making it difficult to get in and out of the shop without your shoes getting covered in mud.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed as guy loading some stuff into the back of his pick up truck. No big deal, right? I mean we were at a home improvement store.

That is until I realized what he was loading. Long strips of particle board covered in melamine. The ends of the particle board were exposed, soaking up all the moisture the sky could provide.

I kept waiting for him to throw some plastic over it for the drive home, but nope. He strapped it down and drove off as if it were a bright sunny day.

I wonder how the particle board faired since the light rain turned into a heavier down pour about ten minutes later.